Jerky Topped Chili Garlic Bloody Mary Recipe

Jerky Topped Chili Garlic Bloody Mary Made with Cocktail Artist Premium Bloody Mary Mix

These days there seems to be a holiday celebrating just about anything from mac and cheese to static electricity to puppy day! A favorite is a national holiday celebrating the tasty, smoky, meaty goodness that is jerky! June 12th is National Jerky Day, and what better way to celebrate than with a jerky topped bloody mary made with Cocktail Artist Premium Bloody Mary Mix (available at Walmart)! This super simple and delicious recipe is perfect for #nationaljerkyday, or for any summer get together! When you have a great mix by a legendary bartender there's not really a need to add much. For those looking for some extra heat to compliment the jerky, just add some Cholula Chili Garlic hot sauce!

jerky bloody mary recipe cocktail artist premium bloody mary mix.JPG


8oz Cocktail Artist Premium Bloody Mary Mix

3oz Vodka

2 tsp of Cholula Chili Garlic Hot Sauce

1 Pepperoni Stick (I used Chef's Cut Barbecue Flavor)

5-6 pieces of jerky (I used Sprouts Thai Chili flavor)


  1. Fill glass with ice

  2. Mix in a shaker or tumbler the Cocktail Artist Bloody Mary Mix and the Cholula Chili Garlic hot sauce and pour into glass

  3. Garnish the glass by putting in the pepperoni stick and jerky on top

*sip and enjoy, and please drink responsibly