A Bloody Mary A Day, Keeps The Doctor Away; Why Bloody Marys Are Good For You

Hey! Did you know bloody marys are good for you? Forget an apple a day; a bloody mary a day keeps the doctor away! The three main ingredients in bloody marys: tomatoes, horseradish, and hot sauce are stomach-clearing, bone-strengthening, heart-healing, disease ass-kicking ingredients. If you really want to get the true benefits and not just cure a hangover, then you may want to leave the vodka out…..So if you’ve wondered if bloody marys are good for you, then in a way, yes they are!



Tomatoes are so rich in vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, K, E, B6, magnesium, fiber, folate, niacin, and copper just to name a few. Why take a vitamin supplement when you can just eat a tomato?

Lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that promotes bone-health, heart-health, and can help lower cholesterol, is rich and plentiful in tomatoes! Research has also shown the power of antioxidants to drastically decrease inflammation, which has been directly linked to many diseases and can prevent or slow damage to our cells! Looks like tomatoes just became our new best friends. Especially after a long night out……

Go the extra step, elevate your health and make your tomato juice from scratch. Check out my From Scratch Tomato Juice Recipe HERE.

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Horseradish is the stinky, tasty, red-headed step-child of the Brassicaceae family, aka the cabbage family. It’s what jolts you back to life and makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up when you sip your bloody mary. Hence the term, “hair of the dog”. Often horseradish is overlooked by many as a health super-food. I’m guessing because it is very pungent and a bit of an acquired taste for most, but it has many health benefits. 

Horseradish aids in weight loss because it acts as a gastric stimulant, jumpstarting your metabolism and helps cleanse your liver. Sounds like the perfect remedy for a hangover or option for a juice cleanse!

Like tomatoes, horseradish reduces inflammation. The glucosinolate in horseradish actually has a defense against cancerous cells taking over healthy cells. Damn, pretty powerful stuff if you ask me.

Check out the recipe pictured above using Silver Spring’s prepared horseradish for a hair of the bloody mary HERE.


Hot Sauce

While hot sauce doesn’t have much nutritional value, the capsaicin that gives the sauce its kick can do a lot to help you. Capsaicin raises your internal temperature which helps you burn more calories than if you were eating and drinking something without it. Now I see why some spicy food makes you sweat, literally.

The capsaicin also suppresses your appetite making you feel fuller, longer. So we should totally drink a spicy bloody mary after we just crushed that stack of pancakes or a loaded breakfast burrito? Capsaicin also has powerful antibacterial properties that help clear up those pesky sinus infections and colds. So if you’re feeling under the weather, drink a spicy hot bloody!

Get a spicy meal in a glass with this Southern Gumbo Inspired Bloody Mary HERE.


While these main ingredients make a bloody mary good for you, you can add other things to your bloody marys for added health benefits such as lemons and limes, capers, celery, olives, and really any other vegetable. It’s when you start adding things like ribs and donuts to your bloody skewers, they aren’t so healthy anymore, but hey, we aren’t judging anyone that does!

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So there you have it: A bloody mary a day will help keep the doctor away because bloody marys are good for you. So eat, drink, and be bloody mary!

*****DISCLAIMER****** In no way am I or Bloody Mary Obsessed certified or licensed to give medical advice. Please consult your doctor before making any changes in your diet or treating disease. In addition, consuming alcohol every day has health risks and you should again consult with your doctor.  This article is out of pure fun and is in no way real health advice.

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